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Thursday, September 15, 2005 

Google Adsense Is up!!!

Yes, Google Adsense is up in my blog!

After a long debate, whether to host Google Ads on my blog or not, I finally decided to try it out. Why a debate, you may ask! Well, it all began with reading on some blog somewhere, a blogger's rather serious condemnation of the practice of having ads on a blog! He (or she) likened it to selling one's privacy for making a quick buck! The arguments were long and forceful, and made an immediate impression. I forswore any inclination to host Google Ads on the blog.

As Time rolled by, at which task, Time is quite an adept, Reason prevailed, at which task Reason is still learning to become an adept! After all, said Reason, you have not bought your blogspace. Not a cent do you spend to host it or maintain it. Besides, these days, Google Ads are ubiquitous. And you do anyway swear by Google for all your searches. So why not let them place their ads onto your website? And in a sotto voce, Reason also murmured, "Besides, they pay in dollars".

In all honesty, Reason need not have tried the sotto voce bit! I don't believe there are so many visitors to the blog that I might actually make money out of it. But I did figure out that I have precious little to lose, especially if the ads sit in some corner, unobstrusively. As per Google Adsense policies, I am not to solicit clickings! Which means, I cannot make any request whatsoever to you who are reading this to visit any of the ads that are displayed. Therefore, in adherence to that policy, I shall refrain from doing so.

Now to sit and watch if any dollars get added to my account!!!

There are a thousand reasons not to blog.They range from 'A firm belief that it sucks out so much that it is virtually impossibel to pen one's autobiography after that' to 'see a comment like "You suck. Wanna know writing go read valleyofthemuse"
But I never knew there was a money angle in it.It really seems worth it then.

well MSP: I haven't earned any dollars so far! Will certainly let you know when I do!!!

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