Chicken or Egg? Million Dollar Question Answered!!!
For centuries, the question has tickled imagination and thought. The conundrum has been used, misused and abused by mathematicians, philosophers, writers, and chefs.
But now a team consisting of a geneticist, a philosopher and a chicken farmer - hmm, I say, that has the makings of an awful joke now, doesn't it?
"So a geneticist, a philosopher and a chicken farmer walked into a bar. 'I'll have a scrambled egg,' said the geneticist, while the farmer said, 'I'll have a chicken sandwich*' and the philosopher waited and watched to see which came first - the chicken or the egg!"
* so this bar serves scrambled eggs and chicken sandwiches, what's your problem?
Alright, alright, don't reach for the Back button yet!
Anyway, the geneticist, philosopher and chicken farmer have claimed to have found the answer. And the answer about I ask you to scroll down further and further to find the answer?
Naah, you'll probably never come back to read my blog again.
And the answer is.......THE EGG
You are a lucky bugger if you are just satisfied with the answer and go on with your life. But if you are one of those types that insist on knowing the "whys" and the "wherefores", well, don't say I didn't warn you!
Apparently, the first chicken developed differently to its avian predecessors, including its parents!
Did that make sense to you?
In case it didn't, what it really means is that new species evolve through mutation and so, the thingamajig that came out of this egg was the first chicken ever, because it was different from its mommy and its daddy.
The DNA of the bird didn't change during its lifetime, so it couldn't have decided to become a chicken one fine sunny January morning. (Hey, its summer in Australia, our Januaries are a helluvamonth!)
And since the bird didn't change into a chicken during its lifetime, it stands to reason, say the big guns, that it hatched into a chicken.
Says Charles Bournes, Chairman of the trade body Great British Chicken, "As far as I am concerned, it has to be the egg that came first. Eggs were around long before the first chicken arrived."
That finally puts to rest the long-standing debate of what came first. It is unarguably, the Egg.
Now the big question is "So who laid the dammed egg?"