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Thursday, October 20, 2005 

Is Blogging Addictive?

Perhaps we need another survey, if one has not been conducted already, to find out if blogging is indeed addictive.

I think it is. Addictive, I mean.

Ever since I took up active blogging, I have found myself evaluating the bloggability index of everything I see or read.

Hey, I just coined a new term. I love coining new terms. Considering this is the first sensible new term I’ve coined in a long while.

So, the Bloggability Index of a person/ idea/ event/ news item is the extent to which the said person/idea/event/news item lends itself to being blogged about. Thus, a survey on food and moods has about a 90% BI (come on now, you need an abbreviation; what’s the point of coining a new term and not making an abbreviation for it?), as evidenced by my previous post.

And I just ran a search on Google to see if anyone else has already come up with this nugget. Looks like it is all mine, copyrighted as of this instant. Maybe I should put a little © next to it. Bloggability Index © - looks rather nice, doesn’t it?

Thus, every time I pick up the newspaper or travel in the train to work, or browse through the net randomly or enter into a conversation, I find myself mentally calculating its BI.

With the ©. Mustn’t forget the ©.

I wonder if this is how the press people think. Maybe they look for a story in everything too!

Be that as it may, I am totally controlled by blogs now. I am hooked on to them, even addicted to them, you might say. I have to blog…about something…anything. I don’t feel a day is complete if I haven’t blogged.

If things get any worse, I’d probably start having withdrawal symptoms, I think. And would have to get into a blogger rehab centre for a blog detox program! I’m sure they have it somewhere.

Mostly in the US. That is where these things get started.

They’ll probably have a pledge too, and begin their sessions with it - “I am a sane human being, not a mindless blogging machine. If I am to change this image, I must first change myself. I can live without blogging. Blogs are nice but not a must.”

I would probably have to stand up and share my testimony, with other blogaholics.

Me: Hello, my name is Muse

Them: Hello, Muse

Me: It has been a whole week now since I touched a blog. I have not even read a blog in seven days.

Most of Them: Oooh! You are an inspiration to us all, mate!

Some of Them: Amen

Me: But it has been difficult.

Them, nodding their heads sympathetically: We understand, mate. The first week is always difficult. But you’ll get used to it.

Me: No, you don’t understand… I have to blog…I have to…

Them: Intervention! Remember, Muse, Blogs are nice, but not a must.

Me: Just one blog… one little blog…one tiny little ten–liner blog…it will be my last one, I promise

Them: Remember the steps, mate, you can’t give in now

Me: No, I cannot…but I must blog…must…blog

And that's probably when they would all have to band together and physically hold me back from reaching for the nearest computer.

Boy, blogs are addictive!

Aha! So I am not alone! Wonder how many more such addicts exist out there!!!

dude dude
hit the nail on the head..
damm blogging is addictive..i dont have the time to do it everyday but any weekend i dont blog i feel so incomplete and lost..

same with reading blogs...

btw have u read leave it to psmith by wodehouse..awesome it is..

I prefer to see blogging as something that isn't addictive. Instead to make myself feel better, I like to say that I'm returning to something that I do naturally. I've always scribbled down observations and realisations about life that I liked the sound of. Except now I do it on a blog so that what I write doesn't get lost so easily. Is this denial?

Well, ekantha, at least you've recognized it as being denial! That is the first step...to recognize we have a problem!


Thankfully I don't blog... Once upon a time, not long ago I used to spend most of my time reading blogs... it was getting so addictive that I couldn't get any work done. So I had to stop it completely.... And now you are getting me back into the habit!

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